Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fondant Baby Booty Template

Unexpected FAVORITES ♥

Hey guys,

today you go with me to products that I have nieeee believed that I ever sooo fond of going:)

Let's start with the KABUKI Rival de Loop (Ross's house brand ) to:

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I've never had a better Kabuki (and I had really been felt 21,873,012 Kabukis ^ ^).
I think he has just enough resistance as it is tied so tight. He is still very soft, and I had not thought of buying genuine, because in this packaging really looks ramschig. It may costs 2,99 €, because you really do not do much wrong. Just look at him you at times:):)

next I will introduce you to my lip balm ...
BURT BEES Lippenbalm

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This is natural cosmetics and he usually just great, my Carmex is unfortunately the first time in the corner, but I'll put it after my vacation in my pocket and take to work. I use morning and evening, a thick layer of Burt's Bees, and my lips are ecccht better:) And the last

FAVORITE isssssttttt ....

Dr. Eckstein azulene paste:)

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Man, the paste used occasionally for impurities. It dries out, this super .. 'm really quite satisfied with the effect of this product. It is not as aggressive as other products I've bought at the drugstore. This paste
I leave overnight on the face, the only drawback: If you look at his night moves can ever realize that the paste on the next day is no longer there, where it once was. But this is not a problem, it is now anyway so removed from the face (I do this simply with a facial tissue)

1) Kabuki: Rossman
2) lip care: ebay.com
3) Azulenpaste: ebay .


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