Existence as a vegetarian I eat but not flowers, but now I need to now come out as a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. After Yasmin has already made known to a nice article about her career of her vegetarianism, I would like about my now 5 years of existence as that fact and write my previous career.
First I must confess that I want to say anything NOT to animal welfare and animal experiments. Precisely these issues are the ones with a seminar, visit that I am currently employed and therefore I think it is advisable only in mid to late July to write about it when I much more appropriated to the theme of knowledge and 2 Essays have written it.
Why I am a vegetarian is actually moor not clear. Most likely it is the loathing of meat, I think. So it does say that otherwise my not so sympathetic, fictional, old lady, Elizabeth Costello, in the prose text of a Nobel a lecture on animal ethics and considers it scandalous makes comparisons between factory farming and the Holocaust. Such views I represent is not, but for me it was a key event in terms of disgust.
I was probably about 4 years old when my father bought a large amount of deer meat and we are in that game so can not be frozen forever, tastes fresh, but the tastiest is to eat 2-3x a week wild. This experience made me feel somehow mean that I wanted to eat more vegetables and my loved eating meat to be.
when I still have the following Easter holidays at a relative found shelter, and the student was a vegetarian for health reasons, because he thought his defeated in childhood severe allergies and asthma are, it was already as emir was still relatively naive and ignorant child understand that a life without this flabby, disgusting meat.
fish I liked anyway never fish fingers were always a disgusting matter, this coarse meats such as pork, venison and beef, I found just disgusting and the fact that my father like liver and blood sausage eating, they told me the other not particularly to. My parents allowed a 5-year course, being a vegetarian, so I had to eat from then on, every now and then meat. Except for chicken in
I never really liked. Chicken I knew - we had chicken and even to the bird flu thing was because we did not want our love for months as a private lock up i a medium-sized house. But I liked chicken, I knew se from daily life and had no problems to eat them because I was much traurigr if they died of old age or disease.
I know that does not sound plausible, but what should a child have to think logically about such great things?
Then the
turning point came in my Halbvegetariertum to vegetarianism. I had been in May 2005 with 15 invited for barbecue, where they had failed to buy chicken steaks. So I was forced to a sausage or to eat pork chops and did dasauch necessity, because I had eaten nothing all day and was hungry. But I felt myself in a totally bad and did not like the taste at all.
I decided to become vegetarian. I did not like chicken or other meat, and had done so far only because my parents were afraid that I otherwise nutrient deficiency get (if you like, I can write you on this or my own views blog which - thanks to diet 2007 I namely that fear of my parents made true ^^"). Now I was almost 16 and mature and adult enough to determine that I did not want to eat more meat.
My parents were in agreement and we informed us together on soy products, so now affordable and are widely available even at the village oversights my parents very relaxed people, what dasangeht because they want me to make no prohibitions or regulations that make me then as adolescents, to do just the opposite.
And so I am now a boring, very rarely alcohol-drinking, no smoking ovo-lacto-vegetarian with a passion for cycling, swimming, cosmetics, photography and reading ... quite narrow-minded, right?
My last piece of meat on 10 wardann June 2005 - at least the last that I had swallowed. On the school trip I was still as Non-vegetarian registered but voted anyway from ever eating without meat, because in the hostel before breakfast like walked. Then on that Friday, a friend from my class told me to eat a piece of their Hühnchenstreifchen salad from Mc Donald's last, solemn piece of meat. As I did, the meat tasted disgusting undseitdem I had only twice Problememit meat that he was to vegetarian (one vegetable meatballs - very small, "now with new flesh" and alleged Tofuhackbällchen once in a restaurant). But well, dasspuckt from you and demands his money back.
what I eat and what I do not eat? The question will probably Most of the bodies of you, because Ovo and Lacto say the word Ovo-lacto-vegetarians do not umbedingt what. Ovo means eggs, lacto milk. I mean, I can not get myself off the farm, but come from a village where there is still that as a child and we always get a friendly farmer milk and eggs as already mentioned, we received by our industrious hens themselves. That is why it pains me drink too rarely these days due to my Laktoseintoleranznur real farm milk can. Daich now I live in the city must unfortunately rely on UHT milk, which I think is not that great, because these prices, do what most farmers, totally unjust and most of that what they see gerademal letztendlic of the money to cover their costs and persuaded that as a full-time farmers are only, if you can operate farming, if you will not be just a Demeter farmer. The same applies to other products such as meat or eggs, but I will stop talking about another time.
meat I do not eat poultry since the fateful day back then no longer fish and I never liked - I think anyway generally Pescetarier, so vegetarians who eat, fish and seafood, very strange - especially if they are moral vegetarians because, strictly speaking, there are also a great Problema in terms of overfishing of the oceans.
gelatin is a troublesome and sensitive issue. Gummy bears me disgusted to be told since I have a 4-year, the pig skin and cartilage of the basic material for it. That is why I avoid to eat something. But since today, unfortunately, in many things such as yogurt or cheese, gelatin is used, I can not prevent suffering, from, and to make something to me. Jelly I do mostly with Agatine because I myself just do not feel so disgusted.
As I see it in other people with the flesh eating is to answer quickly and easily, as long as you are not cannibals, will you not care for spiders, frogs, pork or turkey barbecue. In my opinion, Solte anyone know where his food technical limitations. I am at least an honest meat lover rather than a half-hearted moral vegetarian for five to six months without eating meat and then missed but the burgers from Mc Donalds. You think there is something rare - but no, I know some of the variety.
I think at least in terms of moral vegetarianism, it will first become a really nice gesture, if one is reasonably consistent with it and not mere rhetoric swings and still are the burgers at fast food Fritzen next door.
But more I can not say because I am not for these reasons become a vegetarian. I do not believe that the world is eater only because I do not eat meat or that I am this pure or better than my meat-eating counterparts. Other people I met had been in my life, sometimes such theories, but I find it moronic. About the meat production in Europe remains nevertheless, and it requires more political and economic change to stop our agricultural system as that now everyone should eat meat.
Finally, there is some point to which I have to fight almost daily. Basically there are two, but I do grasp the difficult times together as
daily life of a vegetarian .
In my Mensa fortunately, there is always vegetarian food with Supplements PARTITIONING 2.15 €. And otherwise I cook often myself, earlier, my mother often made soy things for me, but now as students, I allow myself the luxury of tofu less and eat more meals with red kidney beans or egg, who are also good Eiweißliferanten or eat cereal or oatmeal with milk ode soy milk.
The shopping and eating plan with me probably takes longer than others, I take to ensure the Vegetarian always nice to have enough Eiwei0ß portant and other vitamins and minerals to me. Also is often found in unexpected foods Here's a little chicken fat or traces of Mierestieren where you least expect it. Careful reading of the ingredients of any product for me is a must.
The other daily ridicule and criticism as a point against me vegetarian. I can live with the fact that people think I'm crazy - I do not care if they think I am abnormal because I just do not eat certain things because I do not like them. I mean, some people may no eggplant or fennel, but they are also just as normal as any other.
Well, someday you find yourself with it. Annoying for me personally probing questions when I get to know someone new. F course, the questions immediately after the one with holes and Why questions. On
are all great but sending you all those who have been known and think they are funny, they offer you by eating meat or you want to proselytize, to eat meat again because they taste so well.
But no chance, I must be pretty gebrechllich and weak to something like meat again to touch. And
to leather, fur, and similar Ekelkram I let myself in another time, okay?